Thursday, August 27, 2020
Roe v. Wade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Roe v. Swim - Essay Example At the point when the vast majority talk disapprovingly of the Roe choice, they base their complaints absolutely on moral grounds; however researchers, legal advisors and particularly judges who censure the choice should just do so dependent on sacred grounds notwithstanding voicing their ethical protests. The contention against the choice should address the ninth Amendment which states, â€Å"The count in the Constitution, of specific rights, will not be interpreted to deny or demonize others held by the people.†Those contradicted have said that the ninth, or some other revision, doesn't explicitly make reference to premature birth, along these lines, the Constitution isn't pertinent when endeavoring to decide the lawfulness of fetus removal rights. This sentiment, nonetheless, clearly repudiates the short and to the point articulation that is the Ninth Amendment which obviously empowers the acknowledgment of fetus removal and every other directly far beyond what is containe d in the Constitution. Because the word ‘abortion’ doesn't show up, the Constitution is as yet the inception of lawful priority for this issue all things considered for all other social equality cases. Those that scrutinize the Roe choice have whined that the nation’s organizers utilized general terms to outline the Constitution and didn't plan for the uncertain utilization of the word ‘rights’ to incorporate the privilege to a premature birth. They further suggest that the individuals who approved the Constitution were ‘God-fearing’ men who might have restricted the training. Regardless of whether this contention could be demonstrated legitimate on an established premise, the induction that the Founders were completely contradicted to the training is most likely mistaken.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Baking an Imaginary Cake
â€Å"Our most prominent regular asset is the psyches of our children.†-Walt Disney As a multi year old young lady, I was pleased to be a â€Å"tomboy†. I never played with dolls, wanting to utilize the PC as my wellspring of diversion. In my home, any Barbie dolls were discovered covered toward the sides of the wardrobes once in a while coming around. So when I minded young lady ten years after the fact, I was constrained into an extremely new area. After her mom left, she quickly went to a huge toy chest, that was large enough to fit four little kids, and dumped its substance everywhere throughout the floor. â€Å"Here, take this one†¦and this one†¦and†¦this one! He’s my most loved however you can be him today.†She gave me a plastic sheep, a blue hold on for a star on its stomach and a doll whose head was greater than its body. â€Å"And I’ll be Teddy, Honey and Ellie. They’re all sisters and they live respectively in that pink house over yonder. Alright? Okay, so let’s go!†Immediately, she slipped into the characters of her plastic animals, doing their voices and character as normally as I would brush my teeth. â€Å"Well aren’t you going to play?†she asked going to me. I understood I was all the while standing where she gave me my toys. â€Å"Yeah,†I said with vulnerability, â€Å"Umm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I was trapped. What name and character would I be able to provide for a plastic sheep? ‘Sheepy’ the sheep? Indeed, it merited a shot. â€Å"This is ‘Sheepy’†I said gradually, making a decision about her response to the anticipated name. â€Å"And he umm†¦ likes†¦apples.†That was as well as could be expected concocted? He loves apples? Shockingly, Mary appreciated it. â€Å"Ha-ha that’s great! Nectar likes apples as well! Her and Sheepy can be friends!†She said grinning. â€Å"We’re going to host a birthday gathering for Ellie today. Sheepy and Honey can heat her cake okay?†Before I knew it an hour had passed and the toys must be taken care of. Covertly, I needed to play with them some more. Never would I have believed that an apparently exhausting plastic sheep could transform into a culinary legend, heating the most delicious birthday cake known to mankind. Walt Disney was correct. Inside a child’s mind the conceivable outcomes are inestimable. Without creative mind, the world we realize today would not exist. Steve Jobs utilized his creative mind to make Apple similarly as Walt Disney utilized his to make America’s darling animation mouse. Despite the fact that a few people partner creative mind with youngsters, it is something that as grown-ups we should hold onto also. From looking after children, have discovered that creative mind is an important instrument to prevail in today’s innovation based society. As innovation progresses, the interest for new thoughts will increment significantly so we can stay serious. Despite the fact that I never utilized it just as Mary did when I was a child, I am sure my creative mind is something I will require later on. Who knows, I may even turn into an Imagineer.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Nashville bound to the SEC meeting - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
Nashville bound to the SEC meeting - UGA Undergraduate Admissions Nashville bound to the SEC meeting For the last five years or so, I have spent a few days each May meeting with Admissions personnel from the other SEC schools to share ideas, talk about different issues, laugh, cry (okay, not too much crying), and share stories from the year. It is also a good time to plan for the future, and see how other college admissions teams run their offices. I am also going to get a behind the scenes look at Vanderbilt (my sisters alma mater), see some great Nashville locations, and hopefully learn a great deal. As such, I will have intermittent access to the blog, and to your questions. Please be patient concerning any replies, and I will try to answer questions either at sporadic times during the event, or when I return mid-week. As well, let me know if you have any questions about admissions for the SEC group. I cannot promise any answers, but I can share your thoughts. Go Dawgs!
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Metro Rail System Essay Online For Free - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2265 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? The concept of a metro rail for Delhi first emerged in 1969-70 but DMRC was formed in May 1995 with equity participation by the GOI GNCTD in the ratio of 50:50, i.e., equal participation. The national and Delhi state governments aimed to develop a rail-based transport system that would alleviate Delhis ever growing transport congestion and vehicular pollution. The detailed project report (DPR) and feasibility study for the different phases of the project was prepared by Delhi-based Rail India Technical and Economic Services (RITES). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Metro Rail System Essay Online For Free" essay for you Create order The major funding for this project has been through a soft loan disbursed by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). Thus, the government of Japan has contributed more than half the cost of this project. Delhis first metro line was operational in 2002 and today three functioning lines connect central Delhi to east, north, and southwest Delhi. The metro rail system, to be constructed in four phases covering 245 kilometers, is scheduled to be finished in 2021. DMRC is responsible not only for construction of the system but also for its operation and maintenance. It has 450 personnel in its construction department and 3,000 staff for system operation and maintenance. Supply chain partners provide critical support, including labor, machinery and components, and maintenance services.  Funding and Investment Investment has varied meanings in economics and finance. In finance, investment is regarded as putting money into something with the expectation of a gain, usually over a longer term. Thus, it is application of funds to hold assets over a longer term in the hope to achieve gains. It usually involves diversification of assets in order to avoid unnecessary and unproductive risk. As urban MRT projects are meant to provide a safe, speedy and affordable mode of travel to the commuters, they have not generally been found to be financially viable in the most cities of the world, despite their large economic benefits. It was crucial for DMRC to develop a strong funding strategy. Investments are often made indirectly through intermediaries, such as pension funds, banks, brokers, and insurance companies. These institutions may pool money received from a large number of individuals into funds such as investment trusts, unit trusts, SICAVs etc to make large scale investments. Each individua l investor then has an indirect or direct claim on the assets purchased, subject to charges levied by the intermediary, which may be large and varied. For the Delhi Metro Project, Japan Bank of International Corporation (JBIC) has extended significant support in funding the four phases of the project. Since it was observed that India has huge infra deficit. India needs to build airport, roads and highways. However, in every sector of infra, India will be catching up with past and will not be building for the future. Here lies the main difference in selecting Japan to finance the project. In Japan there is a new level of infra. While in India we are catching up with deficit, Japan on the other hand is way ahead. Delhi being national capital and international city, the GOI and GNCTD must also contribute to meet part of these costs. It has accordingly been decided that the project will be financed by way of equity contributions from the GOI / GNCTD, soft loan from the OECF (Japan), pro perty development revenue and certain decided levies / taxes on the city dwellers. The loan will rapid partly from surpluses from the box revenue, partly through dedicated levies / taxes in the NCT. The financial plan of the project has been approved by the GNCTD and GIO on24.7.1996 and 17.9.19996 respectively. It is essential to raise appropriate funds for the successful completion of the project. Timely provision of funds enables smooth and efficient functioning. The following strategies were established in the various phases of development of the Delhi Metro:  Phase I The investment proposal for Phase-I of the Delhi MRTS Project was approved by the government on 17th September, 1996. The total estimated cost of the project was INR 10571 crore. Of this the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) extended the maximum amount in six tranches, with the first one in 1997. The loan carried rate of interest for this project is 1.2 per cent per annum. The loan has a repayment period of 30 years with a moratorium period of 10 years. The SPV, DMRC, was set up with equal equity participation from the union and the Delhi governments. Approximately 28 per cent of the project cost was raised through equity contributions, jointly financed by the Government of India (GoI) and Government of Delhi. In addition to this, they provided a subordinate loan to cover the cost of land acquisition, which has a share of 5 per cent. Another 60 per cent has been raised as a subordinate debt through soft loans from JBIC. The balance 7 per cen t funds were internally generated through property development.  Funding Plan of Phase I  feature1_may_2010_400 Source: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation  Cumulative expenditure incurred upto 31.3.2007 is Rs.10349.59 crore. Cumulative physical progress is 100%. As grant-in-aid, the Metro has received 1,914.3 crore from various agencies. The Delhi Metro has also paid back an amount of 567.63 crore which includes loan amount for Phase I and interest amounts for Phases I and II, to the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The projects funding agency, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) has rated Delhi Metros implementation of Phase-I as excellent. Phase II The total estimated cost for the project that had been approved by the Government was INR 190 billion. Of this total investment, initially JBIC was to finance 48 per cent through equity participation. But JBIC contributed only 30 per cent. However the 18 per cent will not fall under the union and state governments share. Approximately 36 per cent is being financed through government. The remaining amount is being funded from property development, internal resources, and subordinate debt. The economic internal rate of return for this phase is estimated at 23.63 per cent and the financial internal rate of return at 8.18 per cent. The INR2885 crore airport express line under this phase has been funded on a debt-equity ratio of 70:30. While RInfra holds 95 per cent equity, the Spanish partner holds the remaining. However, the SPV had raised a debt of INR25 billion in March 2009 at an interest rate of 13 per cent, against the requirement of INR20 billion.  Phase III Japan being hit by a disaster was not entirely sure to fund the phase III of the project. However after due diligence, the impasse over the sanctioning of the soft loan was finally over. Japan agreed to release the first installment of the 105km project in December 2011. Japan Bank of International Corporation was all set to finance the INR 32000 crore projects. The project will be financed in a debt equity ratio of 60:40 under which the Centre and the Delhi governments will contribute 30% each and the rest will be raised by soft loans from JBIC In this phase the loan will be sanctioned at 1.40% rate of interest to be repaid in 30 years with a grace period of 10 years. Earlier, JBIC had given a soft loan to Delhi Metro at different rates of interest varying between1.2% to 2.3% in Phases I and II. Appreciating the sustainability of the relationship between India and Japan for Metro projects, the only viable reason for reducing the commitment is decrease in demand for moneta ry support by the Delhi Metro. This is evident as in the first phase, JBIC had given Delhi Metro 60% of the INR10571 crore project cost, while in the second phase the metro had received 55% of INR19600 crore from JBIC. In phase III, DMRC has asked for only 40% of about INR32000 crore. The Phase III project has already got clearances from the state and the Centre and both the governments have made budgetary provisions to meet the initial cost. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) projects have been allocated INR.2216 crore in the budget for 2012-13. The money will be spent on construction and extension of the Metro network in the national capital. Phase IV Japanese funding agencies which have extended financial support for the previous three phases of the Delhi Metro has shown enthusiasm to fund in the future plans as well. The Phase IV of the Delhi Metro project has 440 km of area of coverage. With the completion of the fourth phase, the largest metro in the world will be produced. DMRC Financials  DMRC recorded a total income of INR7.24 billion in the financial year 2008-09, inclusive of income from operations, real estate, consultancy, and other income. It registered an increase of 43.51 per cent over the total income of INR5.04 billion recorded in 2007-08. The company recorded a net profit of INR413.2 million, as against a net loss of INR482.59 million in 2007-08.  The companys total expenditure stood at INR2.62 billion, an increase of 24.47 per cent over the year 2007-08 when it recorded a total expenditure of INR2.11 billion. Funding Strategy: Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) v/s Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited BMRCL is a public sector company jointly owned (50:50) by the central and state governments. It is responsible for the implementation of Bangalore Metro Rail Project (Namma Metro), aimed at providing a rapid transit rail system for Bangalore. The project was prepared by DMRC and submitted to BMRCL in May 2003. The proposed gauge was a standard gauge unlike the broad gauge of the Delhi Metro Network. The rationale for the metro includes reduced journey times, cutting fuel use, accident reduction and lower pollution. GOI approved on 11th May 2006 followed by MOU between GOI-GOK-BMRCL dated on 24th December 2010. The Government sanctioned completion cost of INR11609 c rore. Particulars GOI GOK TOTAL Equity 15% 15% 30% Sub-Debt 10% 17% 27% Senior Term Debt 43% Grand Total 100% While Delhi metro is fully funded by government equity and JICA sovereign- guaranteed debt, GOK, BMRCL decided to create a new financing model for the project which would be a mix of a. government equity, (30%) b. government subordinated debt,(27%) c. and Pass Through Assistance form JICA, (25%) and leverage these sources to raise the balance of 18 % as commercial debt from financial institutions. The strategy adopted by BMRCL to fund the Namma Metro Project faced many challenges and legal issues. The Challenge: a. Structuring a non-sovereign long-term MDB loans with interest below market rates. b. With no legal hurdles for MDB to lend directly to an entity wholly owned by the Government c. To structure a credit enhancement mechanism between respective Government entities and borrower (BMRCL) for p ayment mechanism d. Support of GOI and GOK in the construction of the repayment arrangements.  Legality: The threshold issue Can a foreign entity directly lend to a Company (BMRCL) fully owned by the government? The Constitution of India Article 293(Borrowing by States) bars lending by a foreign entity directly to State Governments. However, BMRCL is a company created under the Indian Companies Act 1956 and should be regarded as different entity from the state government like any other State run companies SecurityArrangements: All security would be equally shared on pari passu among the lenders in the payment waterfall under the TRA into which all Project revenues will flow.Hypothecation and mortgage of assets of BMRCL will be with the Security Trustee created for the purpose. Inter creditor Agreement between the lenders is being finalized on which basis a Security Account to be opened at an acceptable Bank in Bangalore under a Security Trustee Agree ment. ADB Facility Agreement contains terms and conditions that are customary in project financing transactions. As per the MOU, if BMRCL was not able to maintain the debt service ratio, then GOK to step in with additional sub-debt. While this condition would satisfy domestic lenders, appreciating that foreign loans would require a different comfort mechanism, GOKBMRCL working closely with ADB designed additional security/guarantee in the form of Concession Support Agreement. Ridership and benefits  In the seven years since its inauguration, the metro has carried over one billion passengers. On opening, about 35,000 passengers were using the line daily. With addition of lines, there has been a constant upswing in ridership. Presently, 0.85 million passengers use the metro per day.  Citizens of Delhi are deriving various indirect benefits from the Delhi metro. A recent study conducted to assess these indirect benefits has revealed that Delhi metro has prevented 28,800 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being emitted into the atmosphere every year. For Phase II, DMRC has estimated that about 610 buses will be removed, resulting in a saving of INR890 million towards capital and operating costs. Further, savings of about INR3.24 billion will take place due to a reduction of private vehicles, INR3.66 billion due to a reduction in fuel consumption, and INR1.65 billion due to a reduction in investment in road infrastructure.  The Delhi metro is also the first railway project in the world to be registered for carbon credits by the United Nations. It has been certified to prevent release of over 90,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide by use of regenerative braking systems in trains. It is estimated that in 2008, release of 39,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide were prevented and this figure is expected to increase to over 100,000 tonnes per year when Phase II of the metro project is fully operational.  To improve connectivity, DMRC has introduced 120 feeder buses. It has also placed an order to purchase 300 air-conditioned compressed natural gas buses to act as feeder buses. In addition to feeder buses, it has also started a radio taxi service for Delhi metro commuters in association with a taxi service agency.  DMRC has gained recognition with time. Today, it has not only triggered metro projects in other cities but is also acting as a consultant for majority of the projects coming up in India. Whether these projects will replicate Delhi metros success will only be seen with time.   Â
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Essay about Extent of Globalisation - 1160 Words
To what extent have the processes of globalization resulted in a more even distribution of economic activity across the globe? Globalization is currently a very hot topic and many people have an awful lot to say about the matter, creating different theories and points of view. A definition of globalization could be, ‘The straightforward exchange between core and peripheral areas based upon a broad division of labour, is being transformed into a highly complex, kaleidoscopic structure involving the fragmentation of many production processes and their geographical relocation on a global scale in ways which slice through national boundaries.’ (Dicken ’98). When talking about globalization it is difficult to go straight down one trail of†¦show more content†¦In the past economic activity has been resource driven, whereas as now, due to advances in technology in particular, modern day economic activity is based upon ‘ideas and information rather than material or physical goods.’ (J.Khan notes ’07). This would indicate that knowledge is key and changes in technolog y mean that a more skilled workforce is needed. Different locations have been better suited to utilise technology over the ages, e.g. the industrial revolution saw the rise of the U.K and Western Europe, and then the introduction of Fordism (mass production) saw the rise of the Far East. On the whole these different periods of development have made a massive difference to the areas affected, it is however still very difficult to definitively state whether or not the distribution of economic activity is more evenly spread or not. It could be suggested that the distribution of economic activity is definitely not even, however over the last few decades it could be put forward that the level of unevenness may have become less great. The argument of globalization causing world economic activity to become more even is hard to fight for when there are statistics like, ‘in the year 2000 the top 1% of the worlds population earned more than the bottom 60%,’ also in world GDP term s, ‘the high income countries account for $37.5tr or 77% but only 15% of the world’s population, the low income countries account for $1.6tr or 3.3% but 37% of the world’s population’,Show MoreRelatedNics Have Been and Continue to Be the Driving Force of Globalisation. to What Extent Is This True?1549 Words  | 7 Pagesdriving force of globalisation.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? Globalisation is expressed in transcontinental flows and networks of activity, interaction and power between countries, irrespective of geographic distance. It establishes and maintains economic, political and socio-cultural relations. This interaction helps economies through growth in international trade, investment and capital flows. Some factors that have acted as the driving force of globalisation include technologicalRead MoreTo What Extent Has Globalisation Influenced One or More Aspects of the Culture in Your Country? Illustrate Your Answer with Examples1945 Words  | 8 Pages10-3-24 pm10:28 To what extent has globalisation influenced one or more aspects of the culture in your country? Illustrate your answer with examples Due to the development of globalisation, â€Å"a global culture was seen as being formed through the economic and political domination of the United States which thrust its hegemonic culture into all parts of the world†(Featherstone, 1995, p87). As well as economic change, culture change is heavily influenced by globalisation. Culture can be generallyRead MoreGlobalization : A Journey Through Globalisation Essay1246 Words  | 5 PagesTo what extent is our understanding of economic globalisation challenged or expanded by analysing the lived experience of global processes. Introduction Globalisation refers to finance, migration and trade (Huwart and Verdier 2013). Economic globalisation is a strand of globalisation that is controversial, especially in the recent global economic situation. It is difficult to define globalisation because different disciplines use differing measures to study globalisation, for example ‘economic interdependenceRead MoreUnderstanding the Globalization Phenomenon1492 Words  | 6 PagesIs it possible to understand the nature of globalisation? This is a question that has led to fervent debates, and has confounded sociologists in their pursuit to explain the mechanics of globalisation (Machida 2012). Globalisation is the most dominant social phenomenon that has shaped social interactions around the world in the modern age (Ritzer Ryan 2002). In an age where people socialise beyond their immediate communities, where a Japanese person can purchase an American product that’s madeRead MoreHow Foreign Cultures and Media Influen ce Local Cultures, and Whether Local Cultures Are Eroded by Foreign Influences and Media969 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction In recent years, with the development of modern technology, globalisation has become an increasingly important phenomenon in the world. globalisation means the extending and deepening interdependencies of countries worldwide through economic, political and cultural integration. As the primary driver of globalisation, mass media plays a decisive role in the process of globalisation, spreading Western products, ideas and values around the world, which has created a profound influenceRead MoreBig Breakthroughs Happen When What Is Still1201 Words  | 5 Pagestoday, a small glitch in this system would be considered unacceptable. Globalisation has empowered the exchange of ideas and knowledge across the globe, aided the movement of people around the world in a manner which on thinking about even today is quite mindboggling. Thomas Friedman in his book – â€Å"The World is Flat†has tried to analyse the triggers behind globalisation and has succeeded in doing this to a ver y large extent. He has explained how ten events between 1989 and 2004 have contributedRead MoreEssay on Multinationalism and Globalization in Britain1133 Words  | 5 Pagesthe case must be subject to two of the central issues of this circumstance: those of first globalisation, then multinationalism. What is it that these concepts constitute that affects contemporary British society? The academic, David Held describes globalisation as the increasing extent, intensity, velocity and impact of world-wide interconnectedness - that is the growing extent to which societies, more local groupings and indeed individuals are interdependent, and Read MoreCritically discuss the concept of Globalisation. What is meant by cultural globalisation?1514 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscuss the concept of Globalisation. What is meant by cultural globalisation? The concept of Globalisation focuses mainly on the idea of all of the individual states, cultures, religions and especially economies coming together, or networking, to form one single entity. It is widely disputed as to whether or not Globalisation has started to occur, or has already occurred or whether or not Globalisation is simply a myth. In this essay I plan to look at the key features of Globalisation and investigateRead MoreGlobal Strategy : An Organizing Framework1347 Words  | 6 Pagesresources that performs various business activities through a network of subsidiaries and affiliates located in multiple countries. Sumantra Ghoshal sets out to make a clear intention by stating in their opening paragraph that global strategy and globalisation has emerged as quite a favoured concept amongst multinational corporations as well as researchers. It has also been useful to researchers and students who specialise in the area of international business and management. This journal provides anRead MoreGlobalization Before The 1700s?892 Words  | 4 Pages[Question: Do you think there was globalisation before the 1600s? ] As Martin Luther King had said, ‘It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated’1. Globalisation is a term that can be defined in various ways. It is a complex process that does not have a clear beginning or end, rather it is something that has developed, strengthened and deepened over time. Globalisation is a process of integration, interconnection and exchange between peoples from different parts of the world. It
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Twelve Angry Men - 786 Words
No team member should left behind because of certain considerations; he or she must be recognized as a valuable piece of a team. Her or his opinion needs to be carefully taken into consideration. Her or his vote must equally count. Without these fundamental requirements, a team cannot effectively survive because team depends mainly on people who compose it. This assertion explains why these two topics below are crucial for the surviving of a team. â€Å"The Nature of Conflict: When team members have a common goal and feel accountable to each other, conflict can safely be used to see and understand varying points of view†. â€Å"An Assumption of Equality: One person, one vote is the operating rule for effective teams. Every idea is heard without judgment or comment, every idea has equal value These two topics seem very essential for a team effectiveness because it shows the accountability and value of each team member. The movie â€Å"Twelve angry men†is a perfect example to illustrate these two topics. In that movie, twelves men were assigned by the judge to decide if or not a young man murdered his father. These men came from different background, did not know each other but had something in common: the goal for which they found themselves in that team. Obviously, conflict was not avoidable because of their different personalities, education, profession, etc..; it was a real diversity group. In the beginning, the judge set the tone: the decision must be unanimous, one vote counted.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Twelve Angry Men 890 Words  | 4 PagesTwelve Angry Men Introduction The movie â€Å"Twelve Angry Men,†portrays the story of twelve jurors from different walks of life and how they came to a difficult decision regarding the life of an eighteen year old Puerto Rican defendant. The defendant is on trial for premeditated first degree murder of his father. The scene takes place in a New York City jury room. The evidence presented to the jury alleged the youth murdered his father with a switchblade the night of the murder. The story began atRead More12 Angry Men Movie Analysis Essay1174 Words  | 5 PagesAssignment: Twelve Angry Men Movie The movie Twelve Angry Men is about the twelve jurors that could adjust their influence in a decision-making process for conviction an eighteen years-old boy, whether the boy guilty or not guilty in murdering of his father. It represents a perfect example for applicable of a work group development framework. It also has examples of influence techniques among a group’s members. This paper is looking at those specific examples in the movie and focusing in analysis theRead MoreAnalysis on Twelve Angry Men1086 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis on Twelve Angry Men The movie Twelve Angry Men portrays an array of group dynamics by including the structure and functioning of groups, as well as the different types of roles each character plays along with their conflicts. The film displays these elements through a jury deliberation and the joint effort and the functioning of several minds together to search for the truth. These are just a few characteristics of group dynamics at work that is seen throughout the film. Group Purpose andRead MoreEssay 12 Angry Men Analysis931 Words  | 4 Pages12 Angry Men Analysis 12 Angry Men is a movie, directed by Sidney Lumet, about twelve jurors who are deliberating a murder trial. An 18 year old has been accused of murdering his father and the jury has retired to determine his fate. The jury performs a preliminary vote and the results came out to be eleven for guilty and one, the architect played by Henry Fonda, for not-guilty. The rest of the jury then begins to persuade the architect that the accused is actually guilty. Each member ofRead MoreUse of Persuasive Argument in 12 Angry Men Essay1037 Words  | 5 PagesThe movie â€Å"12 Angry Men†examines the dynamics at play in a United States jury room in the 1950’s. It revolves around the opinions and mindsets of twelve diverse characters that are tasked with pronouncing the guilt or innocence of a young man accused of patricide. The extraordinary element is that their finding will determine his life or death. This play was made into a movie in 1957, produced by Henry Fonda who played the lead role, Juror #8, and Reginald Rose who wrote the original screenplayRead MoreMovie Analysis : 12 Angry Men1639 Words  | 7 Pageswithin a diverse group.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of cooperative communities while providing different aspects of leadership. Movie Summary The movie 12 Angry Men is a depiction of a jury deliberation in the 1950’s involving the trial of a teenager that is accused of murdering his father. These twelve men were brought together by a random selection process to make a unanimous decision. In the beginning, all jurors believed the boy to be guilty without a doubtRead More 12 Angry Men Essays1459 Words  | 6 Pages Twelve Angry Men is a classic movie depicting how one determined leader can alter an entire crowd. Through dedication, curiosity, and the pursuit for the truth he is able to persuade a group of twelve to second guess even themselves. Within this heterogynous group are a dozen different personalities - some of which were leaders and most of which were not. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The strongest leader in this movie by far is the Architect in the White Suit. Right off from the beginning at theRead MoreEssay about The Problem of Groupthink in 12 Angry Men934 Words  | 4 Pagessituational context includes the circumstances of the groups meeting, social roles and expected behavior. This notion is exemplified during the movie, 12 Angry Men. The purpose of this essay is to examine the movie content to display the groupthink symptoms in place. Groupthink consists of eight major factors that occur during the films scenes, as the twelve men debate a premeditated murder court case. All of the factors continue to rise as the jury discusses the young mans fate. During the film, aRead MoreSusan Sontag s A Woman s Beauty : Put Down Or Power Source?1017 Words  | 5 Pageshistorically been seen as sex objects while men have been seen as â€Å"success objects.†â€Å"Marked Women†by Deborah Tannen, â€Å"A Woman’s Beauty: Put Down or Power Source?†by Susan Sontag, â€Å"The Men We Carry in Our Minds†by Scott Russell Sanders, and â€Å"Man Bashing: Trivial Pursuits or a Truth with Consequences?†by Warren Farrell discuss these two sides to gender roles. These essays most effectively argue that women face more challenges in today’s society than men. Women are made to be sex objects by society;Read MoreLeadership Analysis â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†Essay2868 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿ Leadership Analysis â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†Olu Adewumi NCLC 375: Prof. Ampthor The movie â€Å"Twelve Angry Men†is about twelve male jurors, brought together in a deliberation room to decide whether a boy is guilty of killing his father. The deliberation starts with an 11-1 vote for guilty. As the movie progresses, the one man who had a reasonable doubt about the guilt or innocent of the young boy, convinces the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Facebook effects on society free essay sample
The internet has been widely used around the world since the 80s. It is the key for social development as well as education. Social media is challenging to define because of its rapid usage. Facebook, the most popular social network site on the internet, helps connect and create immense amount of information that is needed for the growth of society. It has vastly influenced the life of an individual. It is an augmenting force that keeps growing and has changed the thoughts of the youth generation negatively. The link that is created between the virtual world and reality has had a bad impact on individuals. It is up to the people to know their limits within using this new technology so it helps their lives rather than create new problems. Facebook, one of the time-consuming and unproductive social networking sites, dominates its users resulting in an physiological addiction, loss of privacy, and creating less interactions amongst others, which leads to negative effects in society. Social networking sites such as Facebook encourage people to be more revealing to the public about their personal lives. Many people pay no regard to all the information they put online some is quite personal. All their contact information or things like what they do is on the internet. Anyone can intrude on other people’s personal information, finding a lot more than they want. With so much information out, cyber stalking would begin. With kids mostly on the social networking sites, they are exposed to these cases as well. Cyber stalking can lead to cases such as robbers stealing or kidnapping. Cyber bullying would be outcome of this as well. Cyber bullying creates mental scars and unfortunately some cases leading to suicide. For instance, in October 2012 Amanda Todd sacrificed her life by consuming bleach due to a 35 year old man bullying her through Facebook. Most kids do not tell any adult that is happening to them. They are scared to death of what might happen next. Cyber bullying has widely spread across the youth with 42% reporting that they have been victims (2010 CBS News). People would argue that saying social networking is an extravagant way to find long lost friends, but people do not know whether those people are truly their friend or just a stranger pretending to be one. Strangers can use them as the next victim of their torture. Facebook is the reason why most people have no privacy amongst themselves. Facebook has also created an addiction, known to others as facebookism, It is as addicting as an drug. Updating status, checking on others, stalking someone’s profile, and mingling with others are quite a few symptoms of this drug. Facebook puts a variety of powerful options and leading to people being hooked for hours every day. Some of Facebook users are so desperate for social networking that they cannot live without it. This causes many distractions. Critics of Facebook also agree that it is an obsession that wastes signifi cant amount of time. Facebook’s obsession also causes decreased productivity which doesn’t allow people to work. posted two studies stating that social networking can cause damage done to the brain. Almost a quarter of Americans say they have missed out on important memories in their life due to paying attention of social media. Also over 90% of job hunters of all ages look for work through social networking and only about five percent go in person. People would argue that social networking is a relaxation; it provides them time for themselves, but there is a limit. Relaxation is not an excuse to use social media for hours. Facebook is a craving for most people around the world. Facebook also creates less interaction for people. They become socially awkward people. They also begin to have a false sense of connection. According to Cornell University’s Professor Steven Strogatz social networking sites make it difficult to distinguish between real life relations and the virtual world relationships. People post such as their girlfriend’s new engagement ring through Facebook which has caused relations to weaken. About 57% of break-ups take place through Facebook. It is also one of the reasons why users get depressed very often For instance, when a person posts a picture, they start to worry that it may not have enough likes. Facebook also creates a low self-esteem. UK’s Social Media Anxiety Disorder evaluated that over 50% of Facebook users felt no confidence in themselves. Most people would argue that Facebook does not create a low level of social skills. It allows people to communicate and converse to people around the world. However that is the secret to creating socially awkward people by not knowing how to converse in real life. Facebook indeed is the formula for low levels of interactions between real people. The most important things to be taken care of is a person’s health. It can deteriorate through social networking. As a person spends wasting precious energy on the virtual world social interactions, they start to lose energy and begin to become hungry. Sitting in front of the computer, eating snacks without any physical activity will begin to accumulate all the extra pounds. This results in obesity. Facebook is one of the prime reasons to obesity. Facebook studies also reveal physiological effects that are connected to Facebook. California State University’s Larry Rosen investigated into this cause. His belief is that â€Å"excessive indulgence in social media portals – especially Facebook, leads to antisocial behavior and physiological disorders.†During his study, students who frequently used Facebook during the time to studying caused: miserable grades, sleeping problems, and increased depression and anxiety. These kids graduate high school with a GPA of 3.2 while others at the level of 3.8 or above. People say that interacting with others using technology is very healthy. However, it can go too far by not knowing how to interact otherwise. Awareness needs to be made to show the users of this monstrosity how to use these sites as a benefit, not a hinder. In conclusion, Facebook has had gloomy effects on society. Facebook has proven to create an addiction, therefore proving less productivity and determination. Facebook has also been the prime reason for cyber bullying and stalking because of the lack of privacy. This network has also created socially awkward people due to not having enough personal interactions with people in the real world. Another impact of Facebook is health. Facebook, just like any other social media website can affect anyone. Therefore through the outcomes of Facebook stated above, the citizens of the world should minimize the time spent on social networking such as Facebook due to the negative effects for the betterment of society and themselves.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Applying Theories of myth Essays - Cosmogony, Comparative Mythology
The categories by which we distinguish the motifs operating in the world?s cosmogonic myths should not be used too rigidly. As should be apparent, a great many creation myths employ more than one motif. The Yuki and Genesis cosmogonies just discussed employ both the deus faber and ex nihilo motifs. The Nordic creation myths featuring the evil giant Ymir tend to combine accretion/conjunction, secretion, and sacrifice motifs?the latter evident, for example, in the Edda in which Odin and his brothers kill Ymir and make theworld from his body. Thus the nine categories just discussed shouldn?t be seen as a way of pigeonholing a myththis is an accretion/ conjunction myth; this is a sacrifice myth.? Rather, these categories should lead to speculation about why certain cultures depict the creation through certain motifs. What does it signify, for example, that, in the Tibetan story, the cosmos emerges through an incredibly gradual process thatwas not guided by an all-powerful creator? Developing a sufficient answer to this question would require some research on your part; but to demonstrate the kind of reward that asking questions about significance can bring, we could point out that Buddhism is a nontheistic religion.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Lennon essays
Lennon essays John Lennon is possibly on of the most famous lyricist and guitarist. As the lead guitarist of the Beatles john made a name for himself, with his fame he was able to express his feelings on war protest and his feelings of his family life. John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940. John Lennon was a rebel throughout his life. The federal burial of investigation kept a close eye on him during the Reagan administration. John was born and raised in Liverpool, England. Lennon did not have an easy childhood at all; he was left by his father and mother at a young age (Fawcett 3). His Aunt Mimi Smith took him in and supported him throughout his life. She was a middle classed woman who also lived in Liverpool. John had a rebellious character and disliked the school system in Liverpool (14). He was quickly labeled a troublemaker by the teachers. He was into the arts and excelled in English and music, while he seemed to struggle in the math and history classes (15). John had always wanted to become an illustrator (15). He drew and wrote poetry all the time. During one day of shopping his aunt bought a guitar for him after he told her, let me get the music bug out (35). He first played the guitar when he was sixteen, it seemed to come natural (35). He was unconventional he liked rock and roll and what was labeled black music (36). He would play at local shops which is where he would first meet Paul McCartney (39). Paul asked John if he would be interested in joining a band with his friend (40). The band grew into what would be known as the Beatles possibly one of the greatest bands ever. John and the Beatles grew into a huge fad which would sweep the world and become known as Beatle mania (Harry 78), John had always told his Aunt Mimi that he would make it big and he did. With the hair cut known as the Beatle, Lennon had made in impact across the world touring in Japan, Europe and the United States (82). As john went so he becam...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Gratuities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Gratuities - Essay Example In the instant case, as the Chief of Police, it becomes my primary responsibility to uphold the above principles and set an example to my colleagues and subordinates. However, the owner of the restaurant has been operating in the city for the past 15 years and the free meals he offers to the police officers is a token of his appreciation for the efficient services they render and not a favor that the officers extract. In addition, he is also a personal friend of the mayor, my boss. Thus, it appears that the restaurant owner has been offering gratuities to the officers with the tacit knowledge of the mayor. Under the present circumstances, where police corruption has become a threat to nations across the globe, as a responsible officer, I cannot tolerate the acceptance of gratuities in any form, especially when the criminal justice system is planning and implementing various policies for the prevention of corruption. Therefore, I will very politely refuse the offer of the restaurant o wner. In addition, I will also request him to not extend any such favor anymore to the officers of my department. I will also explain the situation to the mayor and apprise him of the policies that our department have on such issues. On the other hand, I understand that my decision may hurt the bona fide intention of this man and, hence, I will agree to accept some contribution from him for any facility or utility for the public visiting the police stations for any service such as building a rest room. However, prior to committing anything, I will discuss the issue in detail with my boss, the mayor. Thus, a liberal citizen’s contribution to the services we offer will ultimately revert to the benefit of the other citizens in the community. Question 2: The National Incident Management System (NIMS) provides the â€Å"national framework†for managing and supporting operations during any emergency, based on standardized incident management strategies (Emergency Operations Plan, 2013, p.8). The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standard command and control system as stipulated by NIMS for the â€Å"response at the scene of incident†(Local and Tribal NIMS Integration, n.d., p.8). Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), on the other hand, is a guide that contains the relevant guidelines to be followed â€Å"before, during, and after†an incident or emergency (Emergency Operations Plan, 2013, p.5). The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) serves as the â€Å"focal point†for managing information, making decision and providing support as well as â€Å"resource distribution†during emergencies (p.5). Thus, it transpires that the NIMS, ICS, EOP and EOC are the major components for the management of various operations during an emergency. NIMS prescribe the uniform standard and all the other components that work together during any major incident. While EOP is the set of policies to be formulated locally to counter any emergency, these wi ll be based on the standards that NIMS prescribes, the EOC and ICS execute the policies and procedures that the NIMS stipulate. Therefore, it can be construed that the activities of all these components are interrelated and mutually complementary to one another. These
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Cultural studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Cultural studies - Essay Example This ‘selective selfishness’, as the author calls it, is the essence of all great things that have happened in the world. The author also talks in detail about what he calls as historical men, men who take history as the basis of their future actions (p 65). The author debates that history should not be treated as a pure science and that it is neither a source for pure knowledge. Hence, he concedes to the theory that it can merely be used as a reference to take life forward. While total lack of history and too much of history are both derogatory, it is essential that human beings take the middle path and recognize its relevance in human life. According to the author, man should be able to selectively switch off and on his awareness and reverence for the past and must not fall a prey to delusions provided by historical anecdotes. In "On the Uses and Disadvantage of History for Life", Friedrich Nietzsche, analyses the importance of history in the guiding the modern generations. He lays out a path, a dogma, that is to be followed by all those who are desirous of attaining enlightenment in their lives. For example, he says that history that speaks of the past and provides nothing new, does not invigorate the mind (p 113). On the contrary, history shows its heroes and heroines as those who questioned a dogma is to be followed, if we are to make any sense of history and the future. Hence, Friedrich Nietzsche tells us that we need to be path finders in a world that is dominated by historical data that could be biased and one-sided and does not take into consideration information that has many perspectives to it. History, further can be conceived as a biased fabrication of an individual or a group of persons for furthering some rested interests. We have seen instances where historical information which ere believed to have been facts, had been challenged later on. Nietzsche, in particular,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan Tourism Essay
Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan Tourism Essay This policy review aims to review the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and its new industries in the current scenario to make it a happening tourist destination in the world. This review also includes substantive findings as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to the topic of Development of New Industries in Jordan. The Kingdom of Jordan has been also review of its policies in Investments across the kingdom in hope to make the kingdom a world class destination. This review also refers to various types of Industries in tourism that are making way into the country even though traditionally well known for this various types of tourism in the region, recently Jordan has been trying to fully capitalize the various tourisms it has to offer by coming up with various Marketing policies and has been support its policies by investing heavily in and around various tourist destinations. The country has been able to successfully make inroads on its investments so far even though it ha s a troublesome neighborhood in the Middle East region. The kingdom has made profits even though they have dropped in numbers in comparison to the previous financial years, considering the Spring Uprising, Civil wars and Insurgency in the Arab world has led to concerns of security issues. Considering the fact that Jordan has been Pro-west country, it has managed to balance traditional values of Islam at the same time being liberal in its approach towards the development of country. Methodology: The methodology used to review the various types of industries and development policies is the use of Porters Diamond model approach to Industries with conditions, have been analyzed with also the role of Government and Chance contributing to the development of Tourism industry as a whole contributing to the development of the country. A cluster analysis has also been done of the various contributing factors for the development of the tourism industry in particular. 400px-The_Porter_Diamond.svg.png Tourism and the economy Tourism is major sector in Jordans economy. In 2010, 8 million tourists from various countries visited Jordan, with tourist spending amounting to about 3.5 billion USD. An additional US$1 billion was earned through medical tourism to the kingdom. In 2011, Jordanian tourism lost $1 Billion due to the instability across the region. Generating 2 billion and 423 million Jordanian Dinars ($3.461 billion), tourism is recognized as a major player of the Jordanian economy. The sector has been the key in attracting local, regional and international investment, in addition to creating jobs, and generating revenues. Its major tourist attractions include visiting historical sites, like the worldwide famous Petra (UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1985, and one of New Seven Wonders of the World), the Jordan River, Mount Nebo, Madaba, numerous medieval mosques and churches, and unspoiled natural locations (as Wadi Rum and Jordans northern mountainous region in general), as well as observing cultural and religious sites and traditions. Jordan also offers health tourism, which is focused in the Dead Sea area, education tourism, hiking, Desert Skiing, Sky diving, Scuba diving in Aqabas coral reefs, pop-culture tourism and shopping tourism in Jordans cities. More than half of the approximate 4.8 Arab tourists in 2009, mainly from the GCC, said they plan to spend their holidays in Jordan. So The Kingdom of Jordan has different of Tourisms to offer to the world -Religious Tourism -Historical Tourism -Nature Exploration -Medical Tourism -Education Tourism -Shopping Tourism (Duty-Free) -Adventure Sports -Cultural Tourism Global Perspective Tourism is one of the biggest and most important movers of the world economy. The world tourism organization expects the number of tourists to grow to 935 million people in 2010. Statistics reveal that tourism accounts for 15% of global GDP, 7% of global investment, and almost 9.6% of total government expenditure. The sector has created 200 million jobs worldwide, representing 11% of the total global workforce. The UNWTO forecasts a growth in international tourists arrivals of between 4% and 5% in 2011, below the estimated percentage of growth rate in 2011 distributed by regions: World: 5% Europe: 4% Asia-Pacific: 7-9% Americas: 5-6% Africa: 6-7% Middle East: 8-10% Job opportunities Tourism accounts more than 40,000 direct jobs and an estimated 130,000 indirect jobs impacting the lives of more than 800,000 people. Current plans aim at raising direct tourism jobs to 60,000, in addition to creating 300,000 direct and indirect job opportunities in supporting sectors. Direct jobs in the tourism sector (2002-2010) The growth of the tourism sector has helped create and develop thousands of small- and medium-sized businesses around the Kingdom. It has also influenced important changes in Jordans work culture. Women currently constitute 10.0% of the current job total. Growth has also been reflected on the educational system, where hospitality is becoming a favorite subject for high school students. Graduates can pursue specialized education at the Jordan Applied University College of Hospitality and Tourism, in addition to a number of the Jordanian universities that teach the Hospitality specialty. Tourist numbers and expenditure levels The number of tourists visiting Jordan has been increasing steadily over the past few years. In 2010, overnight visitors totaled 4.55 million, while same day visitors reached 3.7 million. Focus on the quality of tourists (especially from Europe) has raised the number of nights spent in the Kingdom and increased tourism income to 2.423 billion Jordanian Dinars, a decrease of 17.2% from 2009. Income from tourism (2004-2010) Investment in the tourism sector This decade has witnessed a flurry of investment activity in the tourism sector to meet the increasing numbers of visitors to the Kingdom. Investment in tourism has totaled almost 2.9 billion Dinars between 1996 and 2009, with direct foreign investments constituting 53%. Investment levels in tourism (2004-2009) Jordan has been investing heavily in its tourist infrastructure in the form of luxury hotels, spas, resorts, and massive real estate projects, as The Abdali Urban Regeneration Project and the Marsa Zayed in Aqaba. Luxury residential housing like Sanaya Amman and the Living Wall are attracting vacationers to buy property in Jordan. Queen Alia International Airport is being expanded to handle passengers annually up to 9 million in the first phase; 12 million in the later phase. Tourism Development Currently USAID is an active partner in the development of the Jordan Tourism Industry with the continued support of the Jordan Tourism Development Project (Siyaha), currently in its second project lifecycle. Jordan Tourism Project (SIYAHA) Duration: 2005 2008 Funding: US$17,424,200 Implementing Partner: Chemonics International Jordan Tourism Project II (SIYAHA) Duration: 2008 2013 Funding: US$28 million (Estimated) Implementing Partner: Chemonics International With the establishment of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, nearly 20 billion dollars have been invested in sole coastal city of Jordan. Luxurious resorts such as Saraya Aqaba and Tala Bay are being constructed with more in the pipleline like the $1 billion Ayla Oasis.[9] With Jordan becoming increasing popular as a cruising destination, a new and modern cruise ship terminal is being constructed in the Marsa Zayed project. Hotel rooms There are a total of 23,882 hotel rooms in Jordan, of which 6,697 are in 5-star hotels, 3,285 in 4-star hotels, and 3,132 in 3-star hotels. Several projects are underway that are expected to add 5,000 rooms by the year 2012, mostly in Aqaba and the Dead Sea. JORDAN TOURISM HOSPITALITY ANALYSIS The tourism cluster map is centered on these four pillars of tourism: Accommodation, Restaurant Food service, Transportation and Tourist Attractions. It includes small vendors to USAID. (J. FischerI. Khan, 2009) Tourism Cluster Map E-tourism Travel agencies Tour operators IFCs Jordan Tourism Board; Jordan Hotel Association; Jordan Society of Tourist and Travel Agents, Fair Trade Jordan Attractive tourism offerings: Historical tourism; Religious tourism Medical tourism; Eco-tourism Financial Services Government AGENCIES; Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Public Transport Regulatory Commission, Medical Tourism Directorate Maintain Services Restaurant food service Accommodation Hotels and Resorts Transportation Airlines, road system, railway, shipping Construction Industry International Organizations Technical Financial assistance Education institutions For example: Amman Hospitality College; Jordan University of Hospitality FACTOR Conditions Jordans tourism industry relies heavily upon its historical and natural resources. The country ranks higher than many of its peers on the quality of its historical as well as its natural heritage, as well as highly on the openness of its people to tourism and to foreigners. However, various threats to the tourism sector also exist. For example, high concentrations of tourists threaten Petra, and degradation and environmental concerns related to the Gulf of Aqaba are also rising. Ground transportation infrastructure plays a very important role in Jordans tourism. For one thing, it is the preferred means of entry to Jordan for 76% of foreign visitors. Jordan ranks lower on the quality of its ground transport than some of its leading regional neighbors. Some of the main problems the public transport sector faces are a very low level of coordination among transporters as well as an alarmingly high increase in accidents in recent years. The Public Transport Regulatory Commission was formed in 2001 specifically to oversee the public transport sector. The commission is currently addressing the problem of low-coordination by consolidating unprofitable routes. Presently, a total of 11 universities (including three state-owned), 10 colleges and 16 vocational training centers are involved in providing tourism specific education. However, various business surveys indicate that a majority of the industry respondents were not satisfied with the quality of graduates produced by these institutes. The skills shortage might be a reason why in 2008 foreigners constituted 18% of the overall tourist workforce, up from 10% in 2004. The Government is also cognizant of this fact, and therefore allows new businesses in Aqaba to hire foreigners, up to 70% of the workforce. RELATED AND SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES: The importance of a national strategy for tourism buttressed by a strong public and private collaboration and coordinated development. For instance, popular tourist sites need to be supported by information and good infrastructure in order to create a strong brand and to generate repeat visitors. Similarly, good hotels and high quality services should support a good marketing campaign. Hence, a national tourism strategy becomes imperative for coordinated development (JNCO, 2007). The GoJ analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the salient pillars of tourism, including accommodation, transport, food, tourism services, and activities for each of the before mentioned niche markets. Hotels and Restaurants Jordans hotels and restaurants employ the bulk of the labor force working in tourism. In 2008, they contributed 1.7% of GDP (ABC, 2009). Hotel accommodations range from one- to five star hotels. In 2008, five-star hotels accounted for almost half of the total nights spent. The hotel sector has managed to attract a substantial amount of investment in recent years. Catholic Student Bay (US$500M), the Ayla Oasis project (US$750M), the Saraya Aqaba project (UD$362M), the Sun Days Water Park (US$60M), the Aqaba Ishkar Kempinski Hotel (US$60M), the Royal Metropolis-Jordan Gate and Royal Villages of Amman (US$1B), the Dead Sea Holiday Inn Hotel (US$21M), and the Crown Plaza Hotel at the Dead Sea (US$49M).Many international hotel chains are competing in the industry and include some award-winning spas near the Dead Sea. In recent years, the tourism industry has gone through changing dynamics, where restaurants are becoming the high growth segment, while hotels are showing stagnancy. 40% increasing growth in the restaurant sector indicates a rising appetite of Jordanians for e ating out. A wide variety of international restaurant franchises have entered the market, which suggests increased competition in the industry. The stagnancy in the hotel industry might be explained by low occupancy rates or by the fact that Jordanian hotels are highly dependent upon European tourists for its demand. This is a market segment that is very vulnerable to changes in perceptions about Jordans security emanating from regional instability. The GoJ has been encouraging hotel construction, with special emphasis in the Aqaba specialized economic zone (JNCO, 2007). Health Tourism: Health Tourism is a core part of the tourism cluster. During the 1970s, Arab patients from around the region started arriving in Jordan for medical treatment. Today, Jordans health sector has a reputation for subspecialties, such as cardiovascular surgery, transplantation, cancer treatment, and plastic surgery. The private sector accounts for 54% of the hospitals and 46% of the beds available. It is soon to be a regional hub to medical tourist. The GoJ has been very responsive towards the needs of the industry. In 1998, the MoH established an office at the Queen Alia International Airport (QAIA) to assist foreigners with immigration, information, and transportation to hospitals. Currently, the Medical Tourism Directorate follows up on complaints from foreign patients and works in collaboration with an association representing doctors and private hospitals. The Investment Law of 1987 also provides tax incentives for investing into the health sector. The health industry, however, is suffering from stagnation. The total number of foreign patients increased only modestly from 95,000 to 108,000, between 1998 and 2005 (WHO, 2009). Given low occupancy rates in private hospitals (around 50%); this stagnation is not due to supply side constraints. Specialized hospitals are running at 70% occupancy (JNCO, 2007). Despite the potential of Jordans health tourism sector, there are threats on the horizon, including a shortage of qualified nurses due to brain drain. Also, as the Dubai Health Care city establishes itself, it will target the same labor market that has traditionally made up the bulk of Jordans health tourism industry. This is likely to double in occupancy as by 2015 200,000 to 250,000 patients are likely to visit Jordan. DEMAND CONDITIONS The industry shows a cyclical pattern in its demand, with the peak tourist season beginning at the end of July and lasting through the end of August, coinciding with school holidays. Most visitors come from Arab countries. Within the Archaeological Tourism segment, the demand is somewhat concentrated on Petra, which accounted for 26% of the foreign visitors who visited Jordan historical sites in 2008. This lack of diversification in terms of origin countries, as well as preferred tourist destinations, puts the industry at risk, while at the same time the lack of sophistication in demand discourages the development of more value-added options. To elaborate further, while Arab visitors constitute 68% of foreign tourists, they contribute only 43% of the overall tourism receipts. One reason is that (in 2008) Arab visitors stayed an average of 3.9 days, compared to European visitors who stayed 5.0 days. Furthermore, in terms of nights spent, 30% of the Arab nights were at the cheapest accommodation available. In contrast, 43% of European nights were spent in five-star hotels, indicating that the Europeans have a much larger and more sophisticated demand than Arab visitors. In broader terms, Europeans accounted for 54% of all the nights spent in Jordanian hotels rated 3 stars and above. European tourists also account for 91% of the nights stayed in camp sites. With less than 15% of occupancy rates, camp sites are the most underutilized of all Jordanian accommodation options. Although the MoTAs National Tourism Strategy 2004-2010 did target niche markets, such as adventure tourism, cruising, and eco-tourism, occupancy rates of camps show no improvement between 2004 and 2007.47 One of the challenges faced by Jordan is its location in a volatile region; it is very vulnerable to losing its customers, if the region experiences political turmoil. This highlights the need for Jordan to develop a sophisticated local demand that could support these high-value added businesses during times of turmoil. CONTEXT FOR FIRM STRATEGY AND RIVALRY On the context for firm strategy and rivalry, Jordan ranks highly compared to regional competitors on key metrics, such as visa requirements, government prioritization, government expenditure, and effective marketing and branding. The GoJ aims to work with the private sector to strengthen the industrys institutional and regulatory framework and thereby improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector. Nonetheless, the cluster can better coordinate activities across the tourism value chain and increase representation at international travel and tourism fairs. Further, the cluster can explore tourism markets for athletic events and conferences, which are both currently untapped. The Jordan tourism cluster is quite competitive with more than 400 hotels, over 350 travel agencies, about 70 tour operators, and an unaccounted number of tour guides. In 1998, the MoTA established the Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) to market the cluster. The JTB is a joint initiative between the public and private sectors with an 80% and 20% ownership, respectively. By running a marketing campaign and providing information to cluster members, the JTB acts as a liaison among the different tourism businesses in the cluster value chain to promote the cluster. The GoJ has always been very receptive to foreign investments. Jordan ranks 44 on the Business Impact of FDI ahead of Israel, UAE, Morocco, and Egypt, which rank 48, 49, 74, and, respectively (WEF, 2009). The JTB, in cooperation with the Jordan Investment Board (JIB), initiated the Tourism Investment Map, a regional map of investment opportunities in SMEs across the country in the tourism and hospitality sectors. The GoJ has upgraded the cluster by enforcing standards for tourism vehicle requirements and other criteria for tour operators. The Touristic Specialized Transports Regulation requires that transport companies use technically reliable and state-of-the-art vehicles for their tourism operations. Also, the Ministry of Transport lists other criteria by which tour operators need to abide. The Role of Government The role of government bears mention, as a supportive and efficient bureaucracy is generally considered a key component of successful development of the tourism industry. Jordan scored well (30th overall) on its TT regulatory framework. This was driven primarily by its performance on safety and security (19th) and prioritization of TT strategies (17th). In fact, Jordan scored 7th in overall government expenditure on travel and tourism. The most notable change for the better in recent years is that the government appears to have recognized the importance of tourism as an economic driver and, while it has handled the implementation of its tourism strategies imperfectly, it is at least taking steps in the right direction. Additionally, proposed changes in the regulatory environment should enhance competition in the transport sector (especially in the deregulation of the airline sector), ultimately increasing quality and driving down costs. Despite the positive support offered by the government to the tourism sector, this support is not yet translating into a constructive relationship between the public and private sectors. Over 75% of the industry believes that government bureaucracy is holding back the industry over 80% state that government regulations are a direct obstacle to the industry or serve no clear purpose. When asked if government regulation is getting better, only 19% indicated that it is improving. A few areas in which the government could still play a more productive role include the amount and quality of training delivered to key personnel, especially guides; more attention paid to some of the smaller but still important sites that will ultimately drive the countrys ability to retain tourists for a longer period of time; and a stronger overall promotion effort to communicate Jordans offer and to build the countrys brand. This includes the development of new products, research on new markets and niches, the devotion of more resources to international marketing, and greater focus on high potential markets. A final consideration is to enhance the frequency, quality, and results of public-private dialogue. The JNCT survey revealed that 66% of respondents resolved issues through personal connections (including individual government officials), against only 24% that utilized an industry association or formal public-private dialogue mechanism. Chance: Due to heavy insurgency in the neighboring countries of Jordan like Iraq, Syria and Lebanon the businesses in those countries may set up firms in Jordan that will make Jordan the gateway to Middle East. This may cause rivalry with many local businesses but at the same time will increase competitiveness. This will be also the reason for people who want to tour Middle East region may prefer due to the security. The inflow of refugees from Palestine, Lebanon, Syria will fill the demand gap for low-cost labor for the domestic market that will drive the development growth in the country. Due to Shortage of natural resources like water and fuel, Jordan is focusing on Nuclear Energy to meet it growing domestic demand needs by mining of uranium. Due high Generic drug pricing the need for pharmaceutical raw material and search for cheaper source can be a chance for the increasing the pharmaceutical industry production in Jordan. Jordan Tourism Statistics: Types of Tourism per Area Types of Tourism per Area History Culture Eco Nature Religion Faith Leisure wellness Fun Adventure Amman x x x X As-Salt x x Madaba x x Um Ar-Rasas x x Mount Nebo x x Jordan Valley The Dead Sea x x x x Karak x Petra x x x X Aqaba x x x x X Jerash x x X Ajlun x x Um Al-Jimal x Pella x x UImm Qays x x Shawbak x Desert Umayyad Casteles x Dana x X Wadi Mujib x X Wadi Rum x x X Azraq Shwmari x X Dibeen Forest x Hammat Maà n x Mukawir x Anjara x Tall Mar Elias x Total Number of Arrivals and Tourists Total Number of Arrivals and Tourists 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Number of Arrivals 4,677,018 4,599,243 5,586,659 5,817,370 6,712,804 6,528,626 Tourist (Overnight visitors) 2,384,474 2,353,088 2,852,809 2,986,586 3,546,990 3,430,960 Same Day Visitors 2,292,544 2,246,155 2,733,850 2,830,784 3,165,814 3,097,666 Tourism Incom/MJD 743.,2 752.6 943 1,021.6 1,460.8 1,638.9 No. of Package Tours tourists 137,660 145,601 254,145 338,787 278,341 359,625 Average Length of Stay 4 4.4 5 4.5 4.2 4.4 Total Number of Arrivals and Tourists Total Number of Arrivals and Tourists 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Total Number of Arrivals 4,677,018 4,599,243 5,586,659 5,817,370 6,712,804 6,528,626 Tourist (Overnight visitors) 2,384,474 2,353,088 2,852,809 2,986,586 3,546,990 3,430,960 Same Day Visitors 2,292,544 2,246,155 2,733,850 2,830,784 3,165,814 3,097,666 Tourism Income/MJD 743.,2 752.6 943 1,021.6 1,460.8 1,638.9 No. of Package Tours tourists 137,660 145,601 254,145 338,787 278,341 359,625 Average Length of Stay 4 4.4 5 4.5 4.2 4.4 Recommendations Jordan needs to improve supply-side factors like tourism education, training outputs, and upgrading travel and utilize information technology to reach target market. Tourism sector is labor-intensive, which demands large number of well-trained young population. It means, they should have good senses of service and be relatively well-educated. Although several universities and many intuitions provide hospitality courses and training for people, the teaching qualities are uneven. So enhancing education quality is the key to improve the tourism competitiveness in global market. The Kingdom of Jordan is a distinctive destination which offers diverse, and the year-round tourist experiences can enrich the lives of Jordanians and visitors. It is necessary to improve the overall competitiveness of Jordans tourism industry and enhance the tourist experiences through innovation in product development, better position and promote the tourism offering to global market so that Jordan can attract more foreign customers who have the strong purchasing power and drive better business performance in Jordan. Although the Kingdom receives visitors from countries far away like Brazil, Australia, Korea and Japan, it is necessary to explore new markets throughout the world including China, Russia and other countries to increase the number of visitors. Those visitors from usually prefer to visit more than one destination at a time. Also, it should minimize the seasonal patterns of tourist arrivals to establish Jordan as a unique all-year-around diverse destination. Turkey had witnessed a significant growth in the number of Arab tourists in the past few years, and it had succeeded in increasing tourism revenues from $12 billion in 2002 to $23 billion in 2011. If Jordan and Turkey have potential cooperation in the tourism sector and develop joint packages for long-haul tourists in near future, it will attract more visitors all over the world. Turkish carriers operate direct flights to these countries, which will help give tourists the option of visiting Jordan in the same trip. Bolstering cooperation between Arab countries and Turkey in tourism could encourage more investment in this sector in Jordan.
Monday, January 20, 2020
The Importance of Non-conformity and Independent Beliefs in Ralph Waldo
In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s â€Å"Self-Reliance,†Emerson calls for each person in society to be wholly true to themselves. He claims that it is most rewarding to the individual and the society for people to believe in one’s own thoughts and not in the thoughts of others. Emerson believes that conformity will ultimately lead to an individual’s demise because by living for others, people are not being true to themselves. Therefore in order to have a well-formed society, citizens should focus inward and have confidence in their own ideas before beginning to look towards other individuals; moreover, Emerson calls individuals not only in â€Å"Self-Reliance,†but also in numerous essays to act independently from conformity and to live for themselves. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s main theme in â€Å"Self-Reliance†places emphasis on the individual’s ideas and not the ideas of others. Emerson strongly believes that â€Å"imitation is suicide.†To Emerson, if a person possesses an opinion, the person should voice that opinion immediately without doubt. As Emerson states, â€Å"History, and the state of the world at any one time is directly dependent on the intellectual classification then existing in the minds of men. Beware when God lets loose a great thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. The very hopes of man, the thoughts of his heart, the religion of nations, the manner and morals of mankind are all at the mercy of a new generalization.†(Dewey 408). He calls for people to have confidence in themselves and to cease living by the world’s universal ideas. He places great importance on the fact that a person should always be true to himself or herself. He believes that if people begin living according to everyone else’s wishes, they will ... .../p41728_index.html> Yannella, Donald. "Chapter 3: Self-Evolving Circle." Ralph Waldo Emerson. Donald Yannella. Boston: Twayne, 1982. Twayne's United States Authors Series 414. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. Works Consulted deTocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. New York: Harper Perennial, 1988. 537. American Political Science Assoc. Web. 19 Apr. 2010. Emerson, Ralph W. "The American Scholar." Vol. 7. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Julia Reidhead. 7th ed. N.p.: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2008. 7 vols. 520-32. Print. "Overview: â€Å"Self-Reliance†." Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them. Joyce Moss and George Wilson. Vol. 2: Civil Wars to Frontier Societies (1800-1880s). Detroit: Gale, 1997. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 19 Apr. 2010
Saturday, January 11, 2020
I am a leader Essay
I am naturally very friendly and enjoy talking to others, this will be beneficial during room check when girls are still awake and want to share things about their day. I am not shy and am not afraid to enforce the rules, especially the dress code, although I am a student. I am very creative and will enjoy decorating the hallway to make the girls feel welcome in my dorm. I am also and very organized and will be informative to the girls so that they will know about upcoming events each week such as dorm or campus devotionals and campus wide events. I will also remind them of certain events approaching such as clean sweep and saving energy week(s). I have been attending the Church of Christ since I was born. I now attend church at Crosswind Church of Christ while school is in session. I am extremely comfortable talking to students about their faith. I have spoken at girls devotional, been a prayer group leader at the three past retreats, was in charge of the Bible classes of Jr. Camp at MSYC last summer and will be this coming summer, and am currently the youth intern at Crosswinds COC and teach the High School girls Wednesday night class. This is an area that I feel very comfortable. I am a leader in many ways. I am holding leadership roles as officers in PKA and STEA and am a leader to the girls at my church, in my club and any one who sees my actions. I am constantly being a leader by representing the most Christ-like persona I am able to, at all times. Being in the positions that I am in make me a leader, but I try to be a positive leader regardless of what position I have.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Positive Interventions Happiness Attained from Acts of...
Positive interventions have previously been shown to have a positive effect on those involved in these types of activities. This investigation hypothesized that performing kind acts and noting gratitude would have a positive effect on happiness as measured by self-esteem. Further, it was predicted that differences would be observed based on several factors: experimental condition, gender, and religious commitment. Participants (N=30) from a large, northeastern, urban university participated in an experiment in which positive interventions were performed daily for one week. Pre-test and post-test measures of happiness were obtained. The findings confirmed an increase in happiness following both interventions. However, the differences†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the current research aims to increase the knowledge base about the most efficient methods to increase happiness for a population that can substantially benefit from the information. Previous work has shown that performing positive activities, such as acts of kindness and the noting of gratitude, can positively affect well-being. Buchanan and Bardi (2010) found support for increases in life satisfaction and well-being from performing acts of kindness. Emmons and McCollough (2003) identified increases in positive affect and decreases in negative affect through gratitude listing. However, clear evidence in support of greater beneficence in one of these methods over the other does not exist. In aiming to obtain this â€Å"crucial†evidence, the current study compares the changes in happiness related to these two interventions. Furthermore, evidence has been published that individual differences in those participating in interventions have an effect on the outcomes obtained. Froh, Yurkewicz, and Kashdan (2009) obtained proof that adolescent males obtained more social benefit from gratitude than adolescent females. The current study explores this relationship in older participants and extends the inquiry to see if differences exist due to gender in the outcomes obtained from acts of kindness, as well. The third aspect the current study investigates is the role of religion in happiness gains. CertainShow MoreRelatedStreet Children17655 Words  | 71 Pagessupports from different people and organizations through out my work on this senior essay; and I am grateful to each one of them. Assefa Melka, my advisor, I am thankful to your friendly advise on my work and free offerings that you provided me with. I wish you more success. Eteteye, my the now single mother, when every time I think of your optimal effort to provide ‘all of us’ with each and every needs wants of our lives, I run out of words.. 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