Thursday, December 26, 2019
Economic Growth And Its Effect On Society - 1737 Words
For most of human history, life remained pretty much the same. The conditions of living were almost completely stagnant, and there was no such thing as economic growth to the general public. This all changed when two different events occurred that greatly impacted the course of history. The first of these being the British industrial revolution in 1750, and then the more prominent American industrial revolution in 1870. Acting like a catalyst, these two events created a boom of economic growth unlike anything the world had ever seen. As certain nations have continued to expand, an important question that arises is, is economic growth beneficial or harmful to society? Economic growth as defined as: â€Å"An increase in the amount of goods and services produced per head of the population over a period of time (The Oxford American College Dictionary)†is in no way a bad thing for society. The issue with this comes from the way we as humans use such this broad definition of econom ic growth as an indicator of wellbeing and happiness within a country, leading to misuse of wealth, as well as misplaced focus on important areas of life. Whereas previously it took almost 350 years for a family to double its standard of living, over the course of a few years, unemployment dropped drastically as well as the standard of living increased tremendously (Wallace-Wells). In order to measure just how much growth was accumulating, a numerical value called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) wasShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Economic Growth On Society1498 Words  | 6 Pages1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND The harmful effects and environmental problems resulting from impact of economic growth have increased concerns of environmentalists, shareholders, governmental bodies and society about environmental issues. Pressures from a variety of sources have come to bear on the companies to accept responsibility for impacts on society from business activities (Hackston and Milne, 1996). Companies are being urged to become accountable to a wider audience than shareholder and creditorRead MoreThe Social Benefits Of Economic Growth And Development1342 Words  | 6 PagesSocial Benefits of Economic Growth and Development In general, individuals in developed countries strive to improve their quality of life. All developed nations, as well as developing countries, are currently experiencing the negative impact of the global economic downturn. This has prompted all nations to make economic development a top priority (Bruyn 14). Economic development is defined as a state in which a society enjoys sustained economic growth. One effect of economic growth is an increase inRead MoreEconomics and the Effects on Our Society Essay962 Words  | 4 PagesEconomics and the Effects on Our Society Post University Maria Krug BUS501 January 13, 2013 Economics and the Effects on Our Society A crucial topic of discussion that we hear among our fellow co-workers, family, friends, or colleagues is how the economy is affecting our daily activities of living. 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The long-run output growth trend an economy achieves is indicated by the path of trend Gross Domestic ProfitRead MoreAnalysis Of Ibn Haldun And Adam Smith And David Hume And Karl Marx852 Words  | 4 Pagesis an example of one the answer to show that it is old question. â€Å"Ibn Khaldun gave his account of the stages of economic development, from nomadic to agricultural to more cooperation in economic matters which occur through an expansion of a town to a city, where demand increases and skilled labor congregates and expands production both ill quantity and in refinement. Economic growth continues so long as there is an extra effort, which crea tes capital accumulation, which in turn, combined withRead MoreThe Current Capitalistic Society And Its Effects On The Environment974 Words  | 4 PagesIn our current capitalistic society nothing is more closely followed than economic growth. When economies are growing they are praised, but when they are not they are perceived as a failure. 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The growing gap betweenRead MoreEconomics : An Integral Part Of Civilization Of The World1246 Words  | 5 PagesEconomics is an integral part of civilization of the world. In any case, economics issues that emerged in the community is practically quite difficult to resolve. Henry Hazlitt in his book Economic in one lesson revealed that economics is overshadowed by fallacies because of two main factors which intensify the problem’s complexity. The first factor is the tendency of people to defend their respective interests. Although some of groups have similar interests with all other groups, yet in fact,Read More Income Distribution and Economic Growth in LDCs Essay1673 Words  | 7 PagesIncome Distribution and Economic Growth in LDCs INTRODUCTION In recent years, one of the major concerns of economic development is the study of poverty, the income distribution and growth in the less developed countries (LDC’s) or Third World countries. Economists from all over the world have been doing researches and studies on how to induce a growth in those underdeveloped countries. However, countries differentiate in historical backgrounds, cultural believes and natural resources.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare - 1164 Words
In the comedy Twelfth Night written by William Shakespeare many of the characters experience emotional pain. The pain that a character name Olivia experiences is the death of her brother, causing her to mourn. Malvolio who is Olivias steward is involved with emotional pain caused by humiliation, which occurs more than once in this play. Lastly, a great deal of characters battle with the feeling of unrequited love. Even though Shakespeare wrote this as a comedy, there was still a mass amount of emotional pain throughout. Early on in this play Shakespeare introduces us to a character named Olivia. Olivia is an extremely rich countess, who is still heartbroken from losing her brother over the plague. Sir Toby: â€Å"What a plague means my†¦show more content†¦He is sure possessed, madam†(Act 3, Scene 4, Lines 8-9). Maria is letting Olivia know that Malvolio is acting very strange, and is possibly possessed by the devil. Malvolio is surely humiliated by Sir Toby and his friends convincing Olivia who he now loves that he is possessed by the devil, and worse that she denies she wrote the letter proclaiming her love for him. Olivia and her staff now think he is disturbed which definitely will make Malvolio frustrated, angry, and hurt emotionally. The last experience of emotional pain is unrequited love. Unrequited love is when a person is desperately in love with someone, but the person they are in love with will never love them back. In other words, to worship with no rewards. This emotional pain flows through three of the characters causing a love triangle, Olivia loves Viola, Viola loves Orsino, and Orsino loves Olivia. All three characters will never get what they want because the feeling is not mutual. Orsino’s love for Olivia is first introduced at the beginning of the play. Orsino first has a long speech about love, which then we realize that he loves the idea of love. But when his friend Curio asks if he is searching for love he replies; â€Å"Why, so I do, the noblest that I have. Oh, when mine eyes did see Olivia first,Methought she purged the air of pestilence. That instant was I turned into a hart, And my desires, like fell and cruel hounds, Eer sinceShow MoreRelatedTwelfth Night by William Shakespeare127 9 Words  | 5 Pages Within the play ‘Twelfth Night’ it can be argued that the audience may be entertained by the outlook of Malvolio’s gulling. To start with his name means â€Å"ill will†within Italian which already suggests his attitude towards the other characters thus showing his place within the play as an â€Å"unpopular†character. He is a part of a religious order who sought to regulate forms of worship. In modern time the word â€Å"puritan†is often used to mean Against pleasure . Historically, the word was has been usedRead MoreTwelfth Night by William Shakespeare1019 Words  | 5 Pagesconsidered elements of a comedy. Shakespeare wrote a comedy called Twelfth Night because that’s the Christmas Celebration when pranks and deceptions were allowed when people were off work. However the last day 6th January was when all the decorations came down, which brought a tinge bit of sadness to the Elizabethans. William Shakespeare employs the dramatic conventions of mistaken identity and disguise to establish humour in an example of Act 2 Scene 2 of Twelfth Night. Viola realises Olivia is inRead MoreTwelfth Night by William Shakespeare2088 Words  | 8 PagesTwelfth Night, or, What You Will by William Shakespeare is a comedy that was written for the Christmas season. Twelfth Night presents many different topics throughout the play like: crossdressing, homosexuality, unknown same sex desires, and undertones of talk about genitals. Although some are more noticeable than others, they are all present. I will be focusing mainly on the homosexuality of some of the characters and what the difference between that and just having a ‘male friendship.’ I will alsoRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night2005 Words  | 9 Pagesrole that gender plays in Shakespeare’s work. Focus on Twelfth Night or King Learâ€â€or discuss both plays together. Do you see these patterns repeated? Or do you see them being challenged and somehow undermined (implicitly or explicitly) in the plots and language of the play s)?†wants to know if Shakespeare wanted to break the pattern of women being passive objects to men in the literature. In the story Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare all of the roles are played by men. In the fifteenth centuryRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Twelfth Night Essay1515 Words  | 7 Pageselements in plays and films. Slowly with the knowledge gained, we transitioned into examining the adaptations of the world famous playwright, William Shakespeare. For this assignment, we were to choose a modern Shakespeare adaption and compare its successes and failures to its traditional script. With the choices given, I decided to choose the Twelfth Night to its modern adaption directed by Andy Fickman called, â€Å"She’s the Man.†I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it as an option, therefore I feltRead MoreWilliam Shake speare s Twelfth Night1967 Words  | 8 Pages William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Twelfth Night†or â€Å"What You Will†was written around 1601-1602 with the primary performance being in February 1602. It is known to be a high point of Shakespearian comedy as it is one of Shakespeare’s finest works. Twelfth night was written to commemorate the close of the Christmas season being possibly one of the first ever holiday specials, kind of like the Middle Ages version of â€Å"Love Actually†. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated duringRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Essay1470 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night can easily be interpreted as a romance play. Given that the majority of the characters in the play in some way or another fall in love, but there are many twists that come with these romantic relationships. Some of the characters fall in love with the same character, oth ers fall in love with a character that loves another, who actually loves another causing a chaotic love triangle. Within every romance a character is tragically hurt, turning the romance play intoRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night Essay2147 Words  | 9 Pagesaffection for another person,†love takes on many forms throughout life and literature (Merriam-Webster). Through its passionate drama and witty repartee, Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare, explores the intricate, and often complicated, realm of interpersonal love. By tracing the intertwining storylines of four unique characters, Shakespeare communicates the futility of self-love, the desperation of hopeless love, and the immeasurable virtue of selfless love. An after-effect of human’s sinfulRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night1762 Words  | 8 PagesShakespeare wrote the romantic comedy play, Twelfth Night, in the year 1601. Despite being over 400 years old, people have been studying an d performing the play continuously. Even though some may argue American audience now cannot understand the significance of social hierarchy in the play nor the lines written in Shakespearean English, Twelfth Night remains popular today as shown by New York Times’ publishing of seven reviews on different performances of Twelfth Night. At the same time, ShakespeareRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Twelfth Night947 Words  | 4 PagesLove affection Recently, I’ve been reading an intriguing play, Twelfth Night, which was written by William Shakespeare. What interests me in this play most is the fact that there are a lot of love interests. Duke Orsino is greatly attracted to a gentlewoman called Olivia. However, despite his attempts to court her, she rejects his approaches as she claims to be in a period of mourning for her dead brother which has been going on for seven years. Olivia forms a tight friendship with Viola, a woman
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Clinical Laboratory
Question: Case study on Clinical Laboratory. Answer: The abnormal values identified after the chemistry test and hematology test were Amylase which after rechecking reported to be 265 IU/L, lipase 320 IU/L, ÉÂ £GT IN THE FIRST TEST SHOWED 335 IU/L, HDL was found 35 mg/dL, WBC count was slightly more 10.8 x 109/ L and ESR was found 40 mm/h (Banks et al., 2013). According to Banks et al. (2013), elevation in the level of amylase and lipase indicates inflammation of the pancreas which is commonly known as pancreatitis. The increase in the two enzymes is the cause of nausea, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. The increase in the level of gamma glutamyltransferase indicates pancreatic disorders. According to the clinical report, the level of HDL is lower than the normal concentration present in an unaffected individual. HDL cholesterol is notably lower in patients with severe acute pancreatitis. The origin of pancreatitis in seventy percent of the cases is alcohol; twenty percent is considered idiopathic and ten percent for other reasons such as "Hyperparathyroidism, Cystic Fibrosis, etc. In the first stage of the pathogenesis, the enzyme trypsin gets activated which n turn activates several other pancreatic digestive enzymes such as lipase, amylase, etc. This digestive enzyme leads to self digestion of the pancreatic cells. In the last phase, this inflammation spreads to the other organs of the patient (Tenner et al., 2013). As stated by Tenner et al. (2013), the most common cause of acute pancreatitis is gallstone impacting the distal common bile-pancreatic duct. Another major cause of pancreatitis is excessive consumption of alcohol. Three other causes of pancreatitis are: Hereditary reasons Increase consumption of glycemic foods is linked with the elevated risk of non-gallstone acute pancreatitis. Consumption of anti-diabetic drugs such as "glucagon-like peptide one agonist" used by diabetes patient increases the chance of pancreatitis (Singh et al., 2013). The two enzymes that are critical in the diagnosis of pancreatitis are amylase and lipase. The optimum temperature at which amylase is active ranges between 32 to 37 degree centigrade and at 50 degree centigrade salivary amylase gets denatured. The optimum pH for amylase is 6.7. In terms of lipase, the optimum is 8.8.m temperature is 37 degree centigrade and optimum pH (Singh et al., 2013). The five other cause of amylase elevation are: Ectopic pregnancy. This occurs only in pregnant patients, thus different from pancreatitis. Salivary gland blockage. In this case, inflammation occurs in the parotid gland and pancreatitis occurs in the pancreatic gland. Pancreatic Pseudocysts. On performing CT scan presence of cyst is observed in patients with pancreatic pseudocysts but absence in pancreatitis patients. Pancreatitis involves abdominal pain whereas; mumps involve throat pain and swelling. Sputum evaluation in case of pneumonia indicates the presence of bacterial strain whereas in pancreatitis the result would be negative (Singh et al., 2013). WBC count according to the hematology is more which indicates that inflammation or infection (Yadav et al., 2013). An elevated amylase-creatinine clearance ratio has been established as being highly specific for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. This ratio is used to assess kidney function because the improper function can result in a slower rate of amylase clearance (Yadav et al., 2013). Severity and prognosis: Age 55 yrs WBC count 16,000 L BUN Ë‚ 5 mg According to Yadav et al. (2013), in this case, the patient is less than 55 years and WBC count is not too much and the BUN is within the normal range. Thus, the patient condition is not so serious (Hart et al., 2013). The four important complications are: Pancreatic necrosis which might occur due to interruption in blood supply Pseudocyst which might develop due to a collection of debris in cyst-like sacs. Systematic inflammatory response syndrome occurs due to the spread of the infection. Chronic pancreatitis occurs on repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis (Hart et al., 2013). The usual treatment involves medications for the pin, receiving of intravenous fluids to reduce dehydration, procedures used to remove the bile duct obstruction and surgery (Hart et al., 2013). References: Banks, P. A., Bollen, T. L., Dervenis, C., Gooszen, H. G., Johnson, C. D., Sarr, M. G., ... Vege, S. S. (2013). Classification of acute pancreatitis2012: revision of the Atlanta classification and definitions by international consensus.Gut,62(1), 102-111. De Leonibus, C., Lembo, C., Giliberti, P., Rojo, S., Foglia, M. C., Giordano, L., Fratta, A. (2012). [A case of neonatal lupus syndrome and congenital atrioventricular block associated with maternal antibodies antiRo/SS-A].Minerva pediatrica,64(2), 251-256. Hart, P. A., Kamisawa, T., Brugge, W. R., Chung, J. B., Culver, E. L., Czak, L., ... Kawa, S. (2013). Long-term outcomes of autoimmune pancreatitis: a multicentre, international analysis.Gut,62(12), 1771-1776. Heelan, K., Watson, R., Collins, S. M. (2013). Neonatal lupus syndrome associated with ribonucleoprotein antibodies.Pediatric dermatology,30(4), 416-423. Katsanos, K. H., Voulgari, P. V., Tsianos, E. V. (2012). Inflammatory bowel disease and lupus: a systematic review of the literature.Journal of Crohn's and Colitis,6(7), 735-742.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Importance Of Being Earnest Essays - British Films,
The Importance Of Being Earnest The Importance of Being Earnest focuses on the elite, and while making fun of their absurdities and excesses, it also revels in their witty banter and rambunctious lives. Wilde was undoubtedly an astute social critic, but it is his wit that sets him apart. One of the ways Wilde's wit manifests itself is in puns. Running throughout the entire play is the double meaning behind the word earnest, which functions both as a male name and as an adjective describing seriousness. The plays twists and turns around this theme, its characters lying in order to be Ernest, and then discovering that because of a number of remarkable circumstances they had not in fact been lying at all. In claiming to be Ernest, both Algernon and Ernest had, unbeknownst to themselves, been earnest. In the figure of Lady Bracknell in particular, The Importance of Being Earnest lightly shows the limitations and unhappiness produced by such a way of life. The play mocks this earnestness; it is the characters who do not act earnestly who are rewarded with love, and who are proven not to have been acting dishonestly at all. With this, The Importance of Being Earnest makes a tentative further claim: that perhaps Algernon, Ernest, Cecily, and Gwendolyn have been the earnest ones all along; unwilling to act earnestly according to social status and convention, willing to lie to get what they want, and never completely able to escape their own delusions, they at least act honestly with themselves. Their earnestness is not one of telling the truth and fitting in, it is an earnestness of going after what they wanted. Theater
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